Here are some Recent Episode Themes. We present a new episode every 2nd week so make sure to log in for the LIVE meeting to get your questions answered in real time.
In The World of Nature Photographers there is an invisible string that ties us all together. We all share the passion for Nature and telling Unique Stories in High Quality Pictorial Format. Join us as we discuss equipment, techniques, destinations etc.
The CNP Team started their training journey over 15 years ago, training over 10 000 photographers on their cameras, photography and more. Join these Industry Leaders as they explore and share the Tips & Tricks all Nature Photographers should know to become empowered and inspired!
With 50 years behind the lens, Lou has lived through the glory days of film photography, through the turmoil of shifting over to digital photography and eventually mastering the balance between portraying the stories nature tells us and taking technically correct images. Lou innovated the world’s first revolving photography chair and boat and acted as Head Moderator for numerous Nature Photographic Competitions.
Along with the Internationally renowned Da Vinci Institute and Wenzel Kotze, he launched the “Towards Synergy – Leadership Principles reflected in Nature” Corporate Leadership Program based on his book with the same name. He was born and bred in South Africa and although he loves travelling all over the globe, his heart will always be in this beautiful continent called Africa.
In 2003, together with Lou, they rolled out the first camera-specific training program for Nikon South Africa, and between the two of them trained around 10 000 Nikon owners on their cameras and more. Early 2009, he became the head of NPS (Nikon Professional Services) South Africa, the youngest person in the world to hold the position at the time. A position that was later filled by another current CNP team member, Nico Pretorius.
We are a global community of Nature Photographers from US, UK, Canada, Germany, Netherlands, Zambia, Botswana, New Zealand & South Africa to name a view.
We love sharing your passion for Nature Photography and look forward to have you on board on this unforgettable intimate photographic journey.